A congressional committee has told the Pentagon to provide records of the death of a St. Louis soldier who died in Iraq in 2005.

It’s the same committee that has held hearings into misleading information given out about the death of former football star Pat Tillman, who was killed by friendly fire in Afghanistan, and about the rescue of Private Jessica Lynch in Iraq.

Congressman William Lacy Clay of St. Louis says the parents of Private LaVena Johnson have been stonewalled by the Pentagon as they have tried to learn more about her death.

The Army says Johnson committed suicide.  Her father says her body had loose teeth, a disfigured lip, and a wound on the left side of her head that makes him think otherwise.

She’s the first Missouri female soldier to die in Iraq.  The House committee wants documents about her medical and psychological state and all original photographs from the criminal investigation into Johnson’s death. 


Download Congressman Clay’s statement during the committee hearing (3:18 mp3)

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