Robin Carnahan The death of former Lieutenant Governor Harriett Woods has prompted reactions from people who knew her and worked with her. Secretary of State Robin Carnahan has fond memories, having interned for Woods in the early 1980s.  She calls woods, "a mentor of mine."  She adds Carnahan, "broke all the barriers for women funning for higher office."

Carnahan had a chance to talk to Woods in recent weeks as the former Lieutenant Governor was battling leukemia.  She says woods was suffering but kept up the fight.

Carnahan says Woods played a role in the Carnahan family’s decision to continue with the election campaign following the death of Governor Mel Carnahan in October of 2000. Woods took the position that ideas are bigger than any one person and those ideas must be fought for. Mel Carnahan won the 2000 U.S. Senate campaign posthumously and his widow, Jean Carnahan, was appointed to fill the vacancy in Washington.

Download/Listen: Steve Walsh interviews Robin Carnahan (1:30 MP3)
