It’s not traditional gas service and… one public service commissioner says the gas companies offering the service aren’t receiving traditional oversight. Commissioner Robert Clayton says recent complaints indicate that needs to change. The service is farm tap gas service provided to rural residents through pipelines running through their property. Clayton says certain customers have gotten upset over the treatment they say they’re receiving from these companies and they’ve looked to the public service commission for help. So he’s completed a report on the quality of service these farm tap customers are receiving. He says he hasn’t found much difference in the prices these customers are charged versus regular utility customers. But, he says there are issues with the transparency of the companies purchases, there is no assured hedging program to ensure that the volatility of gas prices is taken out, that Missouri customers aren’t able to call the company without dialing long-distance to Texas and there were instances when the amount of time it took between bill pay and receiving a bill wasn’t up to P-S-C standards. He says it’s time for the commission to start investigating these complaints. He says customers can go online to review his report at
tapva.mp3 (423k)
