Livestock producers in 30 counties can receive assistance to offset the loss of pasture and hay due to drought. State Agriculture officials have received $2.7 million in assistance to be distributed to livestock producers, a first for the state says Agriculture Department spokeswoman Misti Preston. Preston says federal drought assistance usually flows from the United States Department of Agriculture to the Farm Service Agency offices. This time, the state has been given the money to distribute directly to farmers. The assistance comes in the form of grants, rather than the low-interest loans that usually is given as agriculture assistance.Farmers in 30 counties are eligible, counties mainly in central and southern Missouri which have been extremely dry. Preston acknowledges that a bit under $3 million isn’t all that much money, but should help ease the financial cost of the drought. The money isn’t just for cattle producers. Included are those who have dairy cattle, goats, sheep, horses, even elk and bison. The deadline to apply is November 17th. Applications should be made to the Missouri Department of Agriculture, Missouri Farm Service Agency offices, and University of Missouri Extension offices.

Related web sites:
Dept of Agriculture, Drought Assistance
