Two Certified Public Accountants face off for their party’s nomination in the Democratic Primary for State Auditor. Buchanan County Auditor Susan Montee of St. Joseph and CPA Darrell Wattenbarger of Columbia want the party nomination to succeed State Auditor Claire McCaskill, a Democrat who is stepping down to run against Republican Jim Talent for US Senate. Both support McCaskill’s emphasis on performance audits, with slight variations. Montee is a CPA and an attorney and says that background would help her bring a more balanced view to the office. As for Wattenbarger, he insists performance audits are nothing new, coming into vogue in the 70s and 80s. Wattenbarger has worked for three State Auditors and says he has the experience necessary to conduct thorough financial audits. We provide a link to Montee’s Web site. Wattenbarger does not have a Web site.

Related web sites:
Susan Montee Web site
