Minors who have it or drink it could be in bigger trouble in Missouri under a bill approved by the State Senate. And, it gives school boards some longer arms. Younger than 16 and caught with alcoholic beverages? Don’t count on getting your drivers license until you’re 18. Younger than 21 and caught the license is gone for two to four years. And, if you’re in high school the school board can kick you out of sports and extra-curricular activities or even suspend you if it wants – even if you’re not on school property when you break the law. Sponsor Michael Gibbons of Kirkwood says these ideas have come from students themselves, testifying before Senate committees. Still unresolved is just how far the school district can go – for instance, whether the schools can penalize a student who breaks the law during summer vacation. The bill requires school districts to have policies by June 30th, 2006. Only three weeks remain for the bill to make it through the House. Gibbons says it will be close, but he thinks it can be done.
