News of the deaths of Saddam Hussein’s two sons during a firefight in northern Iraq is welcomed by many Americans … including Missouri’s top man on the U.S. House Armed Services Committee. Word of the battle that claimed the lives of Saddam’s sons is music to the ears of West-Central Missouri Congressman Ike Skelton. The ranking Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee says this is not only a morale booster to Americans and coalition forces, but sends a message to Iraqis who remain loyal to Saddam. Skelton says the pro-Saddam contingent is getting the message that the Hussein regime is over. The question of whether it might have been better for coalition forces to capture Saddam’s sons is not a factor as far as Skelton is concerned. He says they likely would have offered no help … and their deaths will send the message that Saddam and his regime are out of the picture.
