Key bills are finishing their trips through the Legislature in these last days. Major crime, foster care, traffic safety, and highway accountability bills are among those in today’s do-or-die discussions. A couple of revenue-generating bills that are needed to make the budget balance have to be passed. Several bills have gone through in the last 48 hours or so – among them, the Amber Alert law. That’s the bill that mobilizes law enforcement quickly to look for missing children. Amber Alert systems already are established in the St. Louis and Kansas City areas and Springfield. Some other towns have started their own too. This bill sets up a statewide structure. Some federal money might be available for the program. The federal ambert alert law has been enacted since the Legisalture began discussing the state program in January. It has a series of grants available that can help communities, regions, and the state, get the Missoui Amber Alert system spread statewide.
