Missouri roads are a hot topic for the August ballot. And, members of the committee trying to get a tax increase to fund transportation improvements might have a vested interest. The Time for Missouri Committee has raised more than $1.3-Million in an effort to get Proposition B passed. Most of the 110 contributors to the group had apparent ties to road construction. In fact, only about a dozen of the contributors had no apparent ties. Most contributors were construction companies, engineeringand architect firms, and contractors. Despite the high number of construction ties contributors have, theCommittee’s director Rodney Gray denies this campaign is to benefit the construction industry in the state. But, Senator Larry Rohrbach of California, who belongs to the”No on B” committee, an anti-Proposition B group, says construction interests are exactly those that would benefit the from the proposal. Rohrbach says other supporters of the measure include heavy users of the roads from out of the state who would only pay for the improvements if they happen to stop and buy something in Missouri.
