What a strange day this must be for Indiana coach Bob Knight. While Knight has lost control of his temper more times than anyone can count, this is the first time in decades that he has lost control of his career. This afternoon, Indiana University president Myles Brand will announce his decision regarding Knight’s fate. He won’t fire Knight, and he shouldn’t. Knight’s boorish behavior and abuse of his fellow human beings is heinous, and reason enough to fire him…. BUT, not today, not long after the fact. Knight should have been fired years ago, when most of these incidents happened. It’s just not fair to dismiss him in retrospect. Knight is trying to save face now, the first time he has ever tried that. But he’s not trying that hard. In his “apology” over the weekend, he admitted to being, “too confrontational, especially when I know I’m right.” Still getting the last word. Knight will lose his job, but not today. Today, he will be allowed to stay on, under strict rules regarding his behavior. Eventually, he will blow up again, and when he does he will resign or be fired. Because he’s lost control, and now he can’t afford to lose it again.
