Bio-diesel mandate being pushed in Senate

Missouri has a mandate to sell gasoline mixed with 10% ethanol. A state senator wants to extend the bio-fuels mandate to include bio-diesel. Sen. Bill Stouffer (R-Napton) is pushing SB29 that would require a 5% bio-diesel blend be sold in Missouri as long as its price...

Bartle battles B5 bill; debate stalls

Before Missouri can have B-5, urban and rural opposition has to get out of the way. . The push to do for Missouri’s soybean growers what the ethanol mandate has done for corn growers is on in the state senate where debate has stalled on a bill saying almost all...

Consumer tax breaks for flex-fuel vehicles advance

The Missouri Senate has advanced a series of tax credits encouraging Missourians to buy and drive more hybrid and flex-fuel vehicles. Sponsor LuAnn Ridgeway lives in Clay County, home of the Ford Claycomo plant, where a lot of hybrid and flex-fuel vehicles are...