There should be no slack cut for Sergio Dipp or ESPN for their decision to put a Mexican-American on their Monday Night Football broadcast, whose second language is English.  It was bad announcing.  Plus, it overshadowed the evening that should have belonged to Beth Mowins who made history with her call of the Chargers-Broncos game.

Dipp and his network put him in a position to fail and it should be OK to laugh or criticize or express any opinion you have.

Dipp didn’t himself any favors when he tried to play the “Whoa is me” card with a follow up video.

It was a train wreck and bad decision by the network and it was funny and uncomfortable to watch, just as it was when we didn’t stop roasting poor Charles Clinton, GUYS! Or what about Brian Collins?  You know him, the “Boom goes the dynamite” announcer.
