The Missouri Senate has passed a bill that would require public employees to give annual written consent for union dues to be taken from their paychecks. Minority leader Joe Keaveny (D-St. Louis) said first responders are exempt in the measure, which could raise a legal argument on equal protection.

Senator Joseph Keaveny (D-St. Louis)

Senator Joseph Keaveny (D-St. Louis)

“If this bill comes into law, I would imagine somebody’s going to raise that question,” said Keaveny.

Advocates of the legislation call it “paycheck protection”, while opponents refer to it as “paycheck deception”.

Leaving first responders like law enforcement and firefighters out of the bill, is making some question why.

“Both of them have very good lobbying corps. Yes, they are at the capitol a lot. I have asked that question but haven’t ever received a direct answer. I don’t know the fundamental reason to exempt first responders from this,” said Keaveny.

The bill has been sent back to the House, which could vote as early as tomorrow on whether to send it on to the Governor. If the vote counts stand, there is enough support in both chambers to override an expected veto by Governor Jay Nixon.
