University of Missouri Athletic Director Mack Rhoades said the university handled the men’s basketball team the right way when the school learned of NCAA violations under former coach Frank Haith. The school is voluntarily banning post-season play this year and vacating all wins in the 2013-2014 year. The university will also pay a $5,000 fine.

Mizzou Athletic Director Mack Rhoades

Mizzou Athletic Director Mack Rhoades

“We have faced this issue head on and have worked collaboratively with the NCAA,” said Rhoades. “As such, the NCAA credited us with exemplary cooperation.”

Senior forward Ryan Rosburg said it’s not fair.

“When I first heard that we’re not playing the post season including the SEC tournament, I mean, that hurt me the most,” said Rosburg. “It hurts because it feels like I’m being punished the most and I wasn’t involved.”

Senior Forward Ryan Rosburg

Senior Forward Ryan Rosburg

Coach Kim Anderson and his staff have not violated NCAA rules according to Rhoades.

“He’s a man of great integrity. I trust he and his staff will continue to do the right things to move this program forward and to make this program something we are all proud of,” said Rhoades.

Violations include some players accepting gifts from donors, such as iPads, meals, transportation, cash and housing.

Brad Tregnago of KSSZ contributed to this story.
