Senate discussion of Medicaid reform has been stopped when debate between two Republican Senators started to turn a little ugly.   The disagreement was between Senator Ryan Silvey of Kansas City, who proposes state fixes to problems with the Affordable Care act, and John Lamping of St. Louis, who opposes any accommodation  with the ACA.  Lamping says Siley would rather change than fight.  Lamping accuses Silvey of being a “political pragmatist,” the kind of politician responsible for government growth.                                  

“It’s time for you to take the hard stand and say no. You’re taking the pragmatic stand, the easy stand,” Lamping told Silvey.

Silvey objected, “It’s easy for me to stand up in a Republican party with people like yourself who would rather talk about soundbites and Obamacare than the actual problems Obama care has created?  It’s easier for me to do that than to stand with you and never get into the—”

“Well, maybe it’s just easy for you because it’s in your nature,” Lamping shot back.

Moments later, Majority Floor Leader Ron Richard stopped debate.  He’s not sure when he will let it resume.  He says some problems with the bill need to be worked out away from the Senate floor.

AUDIO: Acrimonious debate 19:20
