The first part of a new system to determine if people who want to be school teachers can be GOOD teachers will begin this fall at all state institutions that train teachers.

Lawmakers have asked the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to create a plan that assesses whether college students wanting to teach are smart enough, motivated enough, and have the right makeup to be a K-12 teacher. The first two segments of the plan go into effect this fall when potential teachers have to go through a profile examination as freshmen and before starting student teaching.  

The Director of Educator Preparation for the state education department, Gale Hairston, says the tool will help determine if the student will be the right kind of teacher.

The department also will require potential teachers to take a general education test that measures their knowledge on a variety of subjects. 

The department also is moving to develop stronger mentoring of student teachers by experienced ones. It’s also designing another state performance assessment for teachers, counselors, school librarians, and school leaders already in the field. 

A special House-Senate interim committee is evaluating the department’s proposed evaluations.

AUDIO: briefing 53:43
