Some fireworks stand operators say they’ve had an off-year because of the drought and warnings of the dangers of setting off Some fireworks stand operators say they’ve had an off-year because of the drought and warnings of the dangers of setting off fireworks in dry conditions.  But post-holiday sales might provide some challenges.

State fire marshall Randy Cole thinks the public got the word about not using fireworks in this extremely dry holiday season.  He’s heard only a few stories of fires started by fireworks. 

But many people who didn’t buy fireworks before the holiday might load up now that some post-holiday bargains ar eto be had.

Cole hopes they don’t set them off right away.  At the same time he hopes they don’t keep big stashes of the things…But if they do, he hopes the fireworks are kept in a dry and cool safe place.

But the best thing is not to store themto begin with.

Fireworks stands can stay open until the 10th.  Temperatures are expected to be cooler then and some parts of Missouri might have gotten a little rain. But the fire danger is expected to remain high.

 AUDIO: Cole interview 10:32


