Congressman Russ Carnahan (D-MO), released the following statement following the Supreme Court decision that the Affordable Care Act was, in fact, Constitutional:

“Sixty years ago, President Harry S. Truman realized that to effectively grow as a nation, all Americans must have healthcare coverage,” said Carnahan. “While changes to our healthcare law would be made, including the signing of Medicare with President Truman in attendance, his ultimate dream would be deferred for nine Administrations to follow. Two years ago, that dream came true and today, that dream is a full-fledged reality.

“I applaud the decision which echoes a majority of Americans who believe that healthcare coverage is both a right and a responsibility. Because of his courage and the hard work of President Obama, American families will be able to protect children with healthcare until they are able to buy coverage for themselves; insurance companies will continue writing checks to customers as a rebate for money not spent on patient care; 50 million Americans who were underinsured or uninsured will have an avenue to care, so they will not fear bankruptcy and ruin because of a simple cold or broken bone; seniors will face a diminishing donut hole in prescription drug coverage that will eventually disappear; doctors will continue examining the massive disparities in the way minorities are affected by some diseases and women will have free coverage for mammograms. Most importantly, Americans who simply want to buy insurance will never again be denied, simply because of a pre-existing condition.

“This is a great victory, not for the President or for any party, but for the American people.”
