State lawmakers find nothing funny about someone putting stickers that look like gun sight images over the names of a half dozen state legislators at their capitol offices. The reaction, in fact, is not intimidation, but is outrage.

Capitol police and the Highway Patrol hope to find the person who put the gun-sight stickers on the name plaques near the doors of four women democratic senators and the senate democratic leader — Senators Jolie Justus  and Kiki Curls of Kansas City, Maria Chapelle-Nadal and Robin Wright Jones of St. Louis, and Senate Minority Leader Victor Callahan of Independence. One of them also showed up on the nameplate of Rep. John Dieckhaus of Washington, the only Republican to get one.

Chapelle-Nadall is angered.

AUDIO: Chapelle-Nadal (:10)

None of those getting the stickers knows why they got them.  A couple of the stickers were taken down only for them to be replaced by larger ones.

Senator Ryan McKenna of Crystal City became angrier the more he thought about it, especially in connections with the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in Arizona.

AUDIO: McKenna (:26)

Senate Leader Rob Mayer wants the person punished. He says the Senate family will work to find out who did it.

AUDIO: Mayer (:33)

Callahan doesn’t want to guess what was going through the person’s mind. He, like the others, has no idea what the stickers are for.

AUDIO: Callahan (:32)

Senate Administrator Jim Howerton called Capitol Police and the Highway Patrol as soon as he heard about the incidents.

Chapelle-Nadal  doesn’t know what issue has led to the incident but she knows what should happen to someone who would do something like this.

AUDIO: Chapelle-Nadal :03

Lawmakers and other state office-holders occasionally get threats by phone, letter or e-mail.  Longtime capitol observers recall nothing this blatant in the past.


