Senator Roy Blunt thinks the Senate should work through its break next week to fix the federal healthcare plan. 

Blunt took to the Senate floor and noted the one-year anniversary of the healthcare reform law. He says the U.S. House and Senate should stay in Washington and forge solutions to the law instead of beginning a 9-day recess that begins Friday.

Blunt says the economy and jobs have suffered because of healthcare reform because it damaged Americas’ confidence it its government. He says President Obama should have instead signed bills into law this time last year that would bolster job creation.

House Republicans have proposed defunding the law, but the Senate, which has a Democrat majority, has blocked that proposal.

Blunt says if they can fix the federal healthcare law, they can begin to fix the economy and the lack of jobs in America.

“The anniversary of this signing next week would be better spent if we were all here next week trying to come up with things that make healthcare sense, that make economic sense, that meet the constitutional standard in still keeping people in charge of these important life-sustaining health-sustaining decisions,” Blunt told his colleagues on the Senate floor Tuesday.

Listen to Blunt’s floor speech [Mp3, 14:40 min.]
