The minority leader of the state senate finds himself about 25 percent more in the minority than he has been for the last two years.  He thinks his party needs to do some soul-searching…and some other things.

Senate Democratic leader Victor Callahan of Independence will find his party outnumbered 26-7 when the legislative session begins in January, down four from the last couple of years thanks to the defeat of two incumbent Democratic senators, the resignation of a third, and the loss of a Democratic district to a Republican.  

Callahan puts much of the blame for Democrat setbacks in Missouri on the leadership in Washington, which he says has not listened to the people for the last two years.  He says Democrats need have a clear message based on what people want. “They need to listen and then say what the message is and stay on that message,” he says.

Callahan  doesn’t see a need for a party leadership change in Missouri.  He says Missouri democrats have acted differently than those he calls “that mess in Washington.

 Callahan and Bob chat 4:13 mp3
