Missouri’s county elections authorities think about half of the registered voters will cast ballots today.  Scott County Clerk Rita Milam, the immediate past president of the Missouri County Clerks Association, has been processing returns since 1984 and has been the clerk since 1995.  She says turnout estimates are educated guesses based on interest in local issues and candidates…But heated races like this year’s Senate contest also can drive turnout.  She says she’s heard a lot of comments that people are “tired of this election because of all the negative ads,” but they’re going to vote because they want a say in the choices one way or another. 

Others say the nasty ads have completely turned them off to voting.  She says some veteran voters are not going to vote “because of all the negative ads…(that) neither candidate deserves their attention.”

Milam and other county election officials figure 2.1-million Missourians will vote today. We’ll be on many of these Missourinet stations tonight with the numbers.

 Rita and Bob talk about today’s election 8:05 mp3
