Tens of thousands of jobless Missourians have gotten letters telling them their federally funded unemployment benefits are being phased out. 

The state labor department has sent messages to 138-thousand Missourians updating them on their eligibility and payout deadlines.  The extended federal unemployment benefits program expires on November 30th.  

There are several tiers of state and federal  unemployment benefits.  When benefits run out depends on when people first filed.  Some people will not be eligible for benefits as long as others.   But Employment Security Claims Program Manager Patty Doherty says it’s hard to say when the first people will run out of payments. But some payments will end with the week that ends December 4th.

The situation is easily confusing.  Doherty suggests those who are puzzled check the labor department website for general information—we have a link to the site at Missourinet.com–and if they have specific questions, they should get in touch with the department’s telephone claim center.

 Information: http://www.youtube.com/user/MoLaborDept?feature=mhum#p/a/u/0/jZA65r3h8T4

 Podcast: http://www.youtube.com/user/MoLaborDept?feature=mhum#p/a/u/0/jZA65r3h8T4

 Patty Doherty talks to Bob Priddy 4:49 mp3
