A nonpartisan national election issues organization charges most Missouri candidates from the U-S Senate on down through the Missouri House have thumbed their noses at voters.  Results of this year’s Political Courage Test  are considered discouraging by the survey organization.

Project Vote Smart lists two ex-Presidents from different parties, Republican and Democrat Presidential Candidates, ex-Governors and ex-members of Congress among its founders and board members.  Every two years it asks all candidates in state legislative, congressional, and statewide office races for their positions on various issues..     

Only 42 percent of Congressional candidates  have responded.  Kansas City Congressman Emanuel Cleaver is the only incumbent Congressman to provide information the public can read on the Project Vote Smart Website.  Only 13 percent of candidates running for the State House and Senate have responded. Most of the responses come from third-party candidates.

A nonpartisan national election issues organization charges most Missouri candidates from the U-S Senate on down through the Missouri House have thumbed their noses at voters.  Results of this year’s Political Courage Test  are considered discouraging by the survey organization.

Project Vote Smart lists two ex-Presidents from different parties, Republican and Democrat Presidential Candidates, ex-Governors and ex-members of Congress among its founders and board members.  Every two years it asks all candidates in state legislative, congressional, and statewide office races for their positions on various issues..     

Only 42 percent of Congressional candidates  have responded.  Kansas City Congressman Emanuel Cleaver is the only incumbent Congressman to provide information the public can read on the Project Vote Smart Website.  Only 13 percent of candidates running for the State House and Senate have responded. Most of the responses come from third-party candidates.

Vote Smart Spokesman Carly Griffin says political parties and consultants tell candidates to ignore the numerous surveys they get and just stick to tried and true messages.

Project Vote Smart has done extensive research on candidates’ votes and campaign pronouncements to infer answers to questions because the candidates have not responded.  The candidates have been told they are free to disagree and correct the record. But Griffin says the candidates haven’t even responded to those contacts.

A nonpartisan national election issues organization charges most Missouri candidates from the U-S Senate on down through the Missouri House have thumbed their noses at voters.  Results of this year’s Political Courage Test  are considered discouraging by the survey organization.

Project Vote Smart lists two ex-Presidents from different parties, Republican and Democrat Presidential Candidates, ex-Governors and ex-members of Congress among its founders and board members.  Every two years it asks all candidates in state legislative, congressional, and statewide office races for their positions on various issues..     

Only 42 percent of Congressional candidates  have responded.  Kansas City Congressman Emanuel Cleaver is the only incumbent Congressman to provide information the public can read on the Project Vote Smart Website.  Only 13 percent of candidates running for the State House and Senate have responded. Most of the responses come from third-party candidates.

Vote Smart Spokesman Carly Griffin says political parties and consultants tell candidates to ignore the numerous surveys they get and just stick to tried and true messages.

Project Vote Smart has done extensive research on candidates’ votes and campaign pronouncements to infer answers to questions because the candidates have not responded.  The candidates have been told they are free to disagree and correct the record. But Griffin says the candidates haven’t even responded to those contacts.


Vote Smart Spokesman Carly Griffin says political parties and consultants tell candidates to ignore the numerous surveys they get and just stick to tried and true messages.

Project Vote Smart has done extensive research on candidates’ votes and campaign pronouncements to infer answers to questions because the candidates have not responded.  The candidates have been told they are free to disagree and correct the record. But Griffin says the candidates haven’t even responded to those contacts.

 Carly Griffin wants Bob Priddy and you to know 15:21 mp3
