The clock is ticking on Representative Ron Richard’s time as Speaker of the House—and he wishes it wasn’t. 

Former history teacher, now bowling alley owner Ron Richard of Joplin has been Speaker for only two years.  He has presided over his last floor session and has cast his last vote as a member of the House. Term limits are forcing him out of the House.  From now until January, when he becomes a state senator, he has administrative duties but no more sessions over which to preside.

Two years isn’t enough for him.  If it were not for term limits, he says, he would have liked being Speaker as long as Bob Griffin was–15 years. 

He says he is still amazed that he was elected Speaker.  He says he’ll miss the chaos of the House but term limits dictate that it’s time for him to move on. Richard has no opposition to his Senate bid  in the November election. 

 Ron Richard reflects with Bob Priddy 4:26 mp3
