Now the work begins for the new Governor and the consensus-building begins with the new governor and the legislature. But veteran inauguration-watchers have heard some of this before.

It’s a new day for Missouri, says Jay Nixon in his inaugural speech. Matt Blunt four years ago said, "Change begins today." Eight years ago, Bob Holden talked of uniting all Missourians and forging a bright future."

Senate leader Charlie Shields was the master of ceremonies for the inauguration, says his "gut" tells him people forget what new governor say in their inaugural addresses pretty quickly. But they do pay attention to actins.

So far, the actions of the new Governor toward the legislature and the legislative response have been positive. Shields says the key is focusing on outcomes. He says there’s no disagreement on job creation. None on improving opportunities for higher education or on getting more people under healthcare coverage.

He says the focus needs to be on those outcomes and how the legislature gets to them rather than on the differences.

The other key is communication between the legislature on the third floor and the governor on the second floor. Shields says things break down when people start talking ABOUT each other instead of TO each other.

He says it will do no good for lawmakers and the new governor to dig in on their positions…He says Nixon, the first former state senator to be elected Governor in 56 years, understands that.

Download Bob Priddy’s story (:62 mp3)
