Three candidates for a State Supreme Court vacancy await word from the governor.

Governor Blunt is weighing the qualifications of Atchison County Associate Circuit Judge Zel Fischer and two judges on the Western District Missouri Court of Appeals:  Lisa White Hardwick and Ronald Holliger. The Appellate Judicial Commission has recommended the three to fill the vacancy created when Stephen Limbaugh was appointed to the federal bench.

All three were interviewed by various members of Blunt’s staff, including his general counsel. Then, the three sat down with the governor for 90-minute personal interviews. The method is similar to the one the governor used to pick Patricia Breckenridge to the Supreme Court.

The governor’s office emphasizes what it terms as the transparency of the process. A special Web page has been established by the governor’s office for the public to review the process.

Governor Blunt has until October 19 th , Sunday, to make a choice. 

Download/listen Brent Martin reports (1:10 MP3)
