A 52 year old St. Louis County man is the first person this year infected with the West Nile virus. The county hasn’t released many details, but the test that revealed the man has West Nile was a spinal tap.

"Which indicates that he was pretty seriously ill," said Karen Yates with the state health department. "We’re still waiting for the full investigation to come in from St. Louis County." 

That report should arrive in about a week. In the mean time, Yates said man’s illness is a good reminder to everyone.

"In one sense it’s very fortunate that we found out about this case before the Labor Day weekend because it’s an excellent reminder to people that west Nile virus has not gone away," she said.

West Nile infects more humans in August and September and infections decline as the weather gets cooler. The best way to protect yourself is with an effective insect repellent containing DEET or picaridin.
