Senator McCaskill says she "fundamentally disagrees" with Senator Bond’s contention that Democrats’ are in denial of progress in Iraq and are committed to defeat. McCaskill is on the committee that has heard United States Commander David Petraeus and United States Ambassador Ryan Crocker report on conditions in Iraq.

She says Democrats recognizer there is progress, but it’s not what it should be. McCaskill says she has heard this country’s top military leader in Iraq, General David Petraeus, and our ambassador to that country, Ryan Crocker, outline how fragile that progress is.

She says the Iraqi government must be forced to step up its efforts to unify the country, and the government won’t do that unless the United States starts withdrawing troops. She says the United States cannot afford to remain in Iraq for 15 or 20 years….and must force the Iraqi government to come together so it can defend itself.


Download response from McjCaskill (:19 mp3)
