Optimism abounds among Missouri Democrats, from the top, down.

The chairman of the Missouri Democratic Party, John Temporiti, believes hard work will capitalize on a widening dissatisfaction with Republicans. Temporiti says rank and file Democrats believe this is their year and their enthusiasm shows. It’s up to the party to channel that enthusiasm through a coordinated strategic plan.

Temporiti says the data base of Missouri Democrats, the list of names, numbers, addresses and e-mail addresses, has grown from 160,000 to 700,000. Nearly two million dollars was raised last year solely to pay for political planning. The party computers can send e-mails to 40,000 party activists throughout the state instantly.

Democratic candidates are poised to make great gains, says Temporiti, yet he says they must have the support from workers behind the scenes.

Temporiti sums up the approach simply, "Plan your work, work your plan, manufacture a victory."

Democrats, says Temporiti, have set lofty goals. They want to take back the governor’s office, sweep through the statewide offices and regain control of the legislature. He insists it is within the party’s grasp.

"Republicans have retreated, we’ve advanced," Temporiti tells the Missourinet.


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