I have to tell you about my Jeanne Zelasko experience at the Cotton Bowl!!!

First off, sorry Governor Blunt, I enjoyed talking with you at halftime of the Cotton Bowl, but I enjoyed my forty-five seconds with Jeanne Zelasko of Fox Sports.  The fact that she walked over to me after interviewing Gary Pinkel to talk with me gives her "top story" priority.

Second, I really got ticked off when I googled Jeanne’s name to find her pictureJeanne  and found all of these knuckleheads who were wondering how she got on TV?  I’m thinking to myself WHAT?  Have you watched her host baseball on Fox during the playoffs?  This woman knows what she is talking about, she moves between segments flawlessly, has great interaction with Kevin Kennedy, she’s not over the top, in your face, trying to hard to fit in, and as a bonus, I happen to think she’s attractive.  Besides, my wife likes her too and if a woman can tolerate another 
woman’s voice, you know she’s good.  (Yes my wife knows I think she’s attractive) 

Anyway, back to my whole point of this story and what a LOSER I am. When I arrived in Dallas last Friday, I scanned the Cotton Bowl notes and noticed Pat Summerall and Brian whoever were announcing and then saw Jeanne Zelasko as the sideline reporter, well my heart skipped a beat.  I made it a goal of mine to talk to her and shake her hand if I had the opportunity. 

So, fast forward to Sunday afternoon.  It’s 1:30pm and I finished working out (getting a head start on my New Year’s Resolution) and I decide to go to the Media Hospitality Room to get some lunch.  So I load up on a couple of dogs and a big bowl of chili.  I know sort of counterproductive with the workout.  Anyway, I hear this voice say "Hi I’m Jeanne."  My heart races and my head pops up to see her talking with one of the Big 12 Media helpers.  This woman is holding a big plate of food and Jeanne says, "eat your lunch first then you can help me."  So the woman leaves and there is Jeanne standing five feet in front of me looking sort of awkward like "where should I go? I guess I shouldn’t be standing in the middle of this room,that woman with the big plate of food actually left me standing here."  This is my golden opportunity, it’s me at a table, by myself with three empty chairs, all I have to say is "Ms. Zelasko, you’re more than welcome to sit here until she returns."  But I FROZE!!! SPEECHLESS!!!  It was eighth grade all over for me again, the cutest girl in the cafeteria and I couldn’t speak, not only was I nervous, but can you picture some sweaty guy with a half eaten hot dog and a big bowl of chili asking Jeanne Zelasko to sit next to him?  Anyway, I sunk my head in shame knowing my opportunity had passed.  She moved on and it was me with my hot dog. (OK, that doesn’t sound good)

So, that’s why after the game, as I stood in the back of the endzone and watched as Jeanne intervied Mizzou head coach Gary Pinkel, I knew I had to make my move this time.  As she was finished and set her mic down, she was ten feet away and I called out "Jeanne,  excuse me Jeanne!"  But there was no response, she wouldn’t even look up and I’m thinking no way will she look up and acknowledge me.  Little did I know at the time, that I probably sounded like a twelve year old with a squeaky voice, because the security guard standing next to her saw me frantically trying to get Jeanne’s attention through the crowd noise.  She tapped Jeanne on the shoulder and pointed my way and that’s when she looked up at me and I asked if I could speak with her. 

When she said yes, I had flashbacks of lunch in the media room, What the heck am I going to ask her?  Didn’t matter, I had a chance to speak with Jeanne Zelasko and shake her hand. I accomplished my goal!  For a good laugh, click on the link and listen to my lame questions that I ask her and how I throw in the "I think you’re great on Fox baseball" as she cuts me off!

Thank You Jeanne.  Have fun in Miami!!!  (If only the Tigers would have gotten that bowl bid!!!)

contact me at [email protected]

Download/listen to Jeanne Zelasko
