Final arguments have been presented in a Jefferson City courtroom in a legal challenge to the State Board of Education’s decision, last spring, to remove accreditation from the St. Louis School District.

Attorney Ken Brostron represents the elected St. Louis School Board whose power has been assumed by the appointed board. He questions the constitutional or legal authority by which the State Board took accreditation from the District.  Brostron also questions state claims that the elected board lacks standing to challenge the State Board in court.

Assistant Attorney General Paul Wilson argues the State Board took the action necessary to deal with a failing school district – action it has a right to take. As for whether the elected board has standing, Wilson claims due process rights extend only to individuals. And he has no doubt the State Supreme Court would uphold that way of thinking. Wilson says that while the authority of the members of the elected board has been eroded, the legal rights of those members have not been affected.

Final written proposals from the attorneys must be submitted to Cole County Judge Richard Callahan by December 3rd.

Download/Listen: Steve Walsh report (:60 MP3)
