A Michigan company is accused of illegally providing utility services to mobile home parks in Missouri.

The Public Service commission staff thinks Universal Utilities of Flint, Michigan should be regulated by the PSC because it is providing waster and sewer services–for a profit–to two mobile home parks in Columbia, two more in the Kansas City area, and one in Arnold.

There might be more. Commission staff lawyer Steve Reed says the agency is trying to find out from Universal how many mobile home parks it serves.

Reed’s complaint calls for administrative action by the commission.

Some other Public Service Commission attorneys have taken Universal to court in Columbia, asking a court order keeping Universal from cutting off service to customers in the Boone County trailer parks.

Universal Utilities calls itself "a full-service billing and utility management company." Its website says it charges a monthly service fee and a one-time administrative fee to read meters and include water and sewer costs in the rent it charges tenants in its mobile home parks.

Download Bob Priddy’s story (:62 mp3)
