Missouri’s men and women in uniform are honored in a series of "Support the Troops" events at the State Capitol in Jefferson City. And, Governor Matt Blunt (R-MO) was among the elected officials paying tribute to Missouri’s sons and daughters in uniform.

In a speech to veterans and their families gathered in the Missouri House chamber, the Governor spoke of how Missouri’s men and women in uniform are putting courage and purpose ahead of self interest – just as their predecessors did.

"Right now," said Blunt, "Missouri’s sons and daughters are joined with their fellow Americans who are bravely fighting a war against a murderous ideology that venerates hatred and intolerance. They are bravely fighting a war on terror to protect the freedom that veterans before them secured against the threats of collectivism and fascism, imperialism and each form of totalitarianism that made the last century so destructive."

Blunt, a Navy veteran, told his audience it was privilege to have served in the nation’s armed forces. He adds he is now privileged to work with members of the General Assembly on behalf of the interests of Missouri’s veterans.

Download/Listen: Governor Blunt’s address: (5:00 MP3)
