Opponents of a form of stem cell research known as Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer are back before the Legislature, trying to get it to approve giving Missouri voters another Constitutional amendment to vote on. Representative Jim Lembke of St. Louis, the sponsor of House Joint Resolution 11 , insists he is not trying to overturn Amendment 2 – the Stem Cell Initiative approved by voters in November.

Lembke believes Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer is a form of human cloning and should, therefore, be banned in Missouri. He wants voters to have a chance to vote on what he says is clear language on this issue. The Chairman of the Missouri Coalition for Lifesaving Cures – the group that spearheaded last year’s campaign in support of Amendment 2 – thinks Representative Lembke is trying to overturn what the voters approved in November. Donn Rubin says Lembke and others want another shot at standing in the way of legal forms of stem cell research.

cellmulliganv.mp3 (423k)
