Legislative Democrats respond to Governor Matt Blunt’s State of the State Address, expressing a lack of enthusiasm over any of the proposals outlined. One of those proposals would eliminate the state tax on Social Security benefits received. Senate Minority Leader Maida Coleman of St. Louis says this would not benefit the truly needy, only wealthy Missourians. House Minority Leader Jeff Harris is not totally opposed to the proposal, provided it would be a targeted tax cut for Social Security recipients who are not wealthy. Democrats are also hesitant to embrace the Governor’s health care proposals, which include his MOHealthNet plan to provide health coverage to more Missourians than at any time in the state’s history. Another health care idea would see the franchise tax scrapped for businesses that provide health insurance to their employees. Democrats don’t see this as an answer to the existing problem. Coleman sums up her view of the Governor’s speech as, “Fluff, no substance.” She says Governor Blunt provided a lot of soundbites, but no substance.”
