Traffic is returning to normal after a rough weekend in Missouri. Missouri Department of Transportation spokesman, Jeff Briggs, says it appears that most of the winter weather is behind us. Crews worked around the clock. Southern Missouri, especially the Springfield area, got hit hard by rain and ice, making travel treacherous this weekend, but Briggs says conditions have improved greatly with the salt doing its job of clearing the roads of ice. The biggest problem now is debris covering some roads. Briggs says the upper portion of the state, northwest and north-central Missouri, roads are covered or partly covered by the overnight snowfall that fell in the upper tier of the state. Briggs says MoDOT snowplow drivers are holding up under heavy strain, with only a few mishaps to report.He says the state has enough salt to make it through this winter and enough trucks and drivers to get the job done.

Related web sites:
MoDOT Road Conditions
