The candidates in Missouri’s U.S. Senate race are getting in their last couple of days of campaigning prior to voters going to the polls on Tuesday – reaching out to their bases as well as to undecided voters. A national political consultant suggests incumbent Republican Senator Jim Talent and Democrat challenger Claire McCaskill reach out to the people who make up “Generation Jones.”

Commentator Jonathan Pontell coined the term “Generation Jones” for the group of people born between 1954 and 1965 – the group between the Baby Boomers and the Generation Xers. He says the Jonesers are traditonal values voters who have voted Republican in recent elections, but are evenly split in this race. Pontell says that while the Baby Boomers are among the most liberal voters and Generation Xers are among the most conservative voters, the Generation Jonesers are swing voters, making up about 27 to 30 percent of the electorate.
