Governor Matt Blunt’s State Government Review Commission concludes its work, suggesting incremental change to state government. After a series of meetings over the Summer, the Commission concluded with a seven-hour marathon review of task force recommendations. Though some Commission members wanted to leave the Secretary of State’s Securities Division out of a proposed new Department of Financial Regulation, a narrow vote approved the measure. An even closer vote approved a proposal to eliminated the State Tax Commission. The Commission recommends creating the Secretaries of Education and Higher Education. Commission Co-Chairman, Warren Erdman of Kansas City, says creation of interdepartmental coordination councils could have significant impact. The Commission rejected a proposal to create a Division of Medicaid and left Medicaid reform up to the Legislature. It also rejected a proposal to eliminate funding for the Centers for Independent Living. Erdman says the report will frame the real debate which will take place in the Legislature. A final report is being prepared to submit to Governor Blunt.
