A team of University of Missouri-St. Louis education professors has come up with some new ideas aimed at helping students who are having a tough time with math. The goal of the educators is to present students with new ideas for solving many of the math problems they encounter in school and in everyday life. And, a big part of their book, “Teaching Children Who Struggle with Mathematics: A Systematic Approach to Analysis and Correction,” zeroes in on helping students to think about what they’re doing when they tackle the subject. Co-author Helene Sherman says many students tune out when they find no value in the math they’re being taught. The lack of this personal touch makes it difficult for many students to grasp why it matters that they can determine the value of “x” if x-squared divided by 14-cubed equals 19. And, getting the right answer doesn’t always mean a student understands. Sherman says almost any student can do well at math … given the right instruction.
